Asheville’s Vortex Doughnuts takes its cue from other keep-it-weird cities such as Portland, Austin, and Boulder and their excellent destination doughnut shops. We named ourselves Vortex Doughnuts to reflect Asheville’s new-age reputation of being home to several vortices to alternate dimensions and realities. (It’s on the Internet so it must be true.) With the name Vortex Doughnuts we have free reign to give our amazing doughnuts their unique twists that set them apart from the ordinary and makes them better than all the other doughnuts in town.
Above all else, we want Vortex Doughnuts to be the best tasting doughnuts that you’ll ever eat. Ours are not your average KK, DD, or supermarket doughnuts. Vortex Doughnuts are hand-made throughout the morning with fresh, high-quality, ingredients. Our yeast doughnuts are just heavenly and we think our cinnamon-sugar yeasts are perfect in their simplicity and goodness. Our cake doughnuts have a little heft and are moist and creamy with a bit of crunch on the outside. Our creative glazes, toppings, and fillings are made in house. And, we don’t just do sweet – look for our savory doughnut choices that are perfect as a light meal or as a late-night snack. At Vortex Doughnuts our goal is to elevate the basic doughnut to something spectacular, a doughnut that’s so tasty it’s worth eating… and talking about.
Whenever possible, and sometimes when it’s seemingly impossible, we source our ingredients locally and responsibly. Our flour comes from central North Carolina’s Lindley Mills and Asheville’s Carolina Ground. Our antibiotic and hormone free eggs are from Asheville’s Farside Farms. Our milk is delivered in a milk truck by Farm to Home Milk Delivery service. We especially love to use seasonably fresh fruits from local farms and you’ll find us shopping at the area farmer’s markets looking for that perfect ingredient. Most everything we use is organic and sustainable. Now, as hard as we try, not every ingredient can be local. But, when those raw ingredients we need are only grown or produced in a far-away land, we try as best we can to purchase from local suppliers to “keep the money close to home.”
Being named Vortex Doughnuts we love to be a little creative and fun. You’ll find many of our doughnut names refer to Asheville and Western North Carolina attractions and landmarks. Some have cute plays on the letter “O” or a reference to something twisted. Our goal is to have the taste of each doughnut be reflected in its unique name. We won’t simply dip a doughnut in a fruity breakfast cereal and call it “Loopy” — that’s too easy, and Yuk! But, we will top our Paris of the South doughnut with a piece of French Broad Chocolate made just behind our shop. We’ll use Asheville beer and local malt in our Rotating Tap doughnut. And, our Raspberry Goat? Well, see if you can guess! We think our sometimes obvious, and sometimes subtle, naming and flavor twists will make both you and your taste buds smile.
French Broad Chocolate Lounge icing. Buxton Hall smoked bacon. A generous smear of Jack’s Nut Butter. The Rotating Tap. The Orange Peel. The Gingerbread House. Whether you’re local to Asheville or a visitor looking for a taste of our fine city, you’ll love our delicious and fun Vortex Doughnuts.